Because of their lavish life, members of the first estate saw no need for change and were blind to any social problems. They were in such a mentality that if they could better their lives in such a fashion, then there was certainly no need for reform. The second estate was similar in many respects to the first. Those in this estate were noblemen and noblewomen of high breeding and social status. These people were supposed to pay taxes in wartime; however, because they were not used to paying taxes, this rule was rarely enforced.
When Singer states, "again, the formula is simple: whatever money you're spending on luxuries, not necessities, should be given away" (Singer) it’s like he believes Americans actually care. Americans work hard for their money, they pay taxes for the right to live in this country and therefore have the right to do whatever they want with their money. As Americans why should we give away our hard earned money when our taxes are being used for it anyway? With this economy the way it is most people don’t have the luxury of writing a check of $20,000 to give to the poor, their hoping for the luxury of being able to pay their
Healthcare would also be free. This all sounds like a perfect system, but it is far from it. In Communist America, everyone that works would become less and less motivated to work. The reason for this is that everyone makes the same amount of money, with no benefits if you work harder or have a better job. This could lead America to use fear and violence to “motivate” the American people.
They say money can’t buy happiness, although that is the age old saying it has lost most of its truth in the minds of today. In this day and age we attribute happiness to success and fortune, we believe that even if money cant buy happiness it can still buy all the things that make us happy and quid pro quo buy happiness. But since the majority of people in the world have never known and will never know that level of success or the feeling of having enough resources to do everything that most yearn to do every time they see the lives of celebrities or the obscenely rich depicted in media, the only people who would truly be able to know if it can are those who have known such success. “Somewhere” by Sophia Coppola is the story of a big shot Hollywood actor named Johnny Marco, his life, his work, and his interaction with those around him. The film focuses on him adapting to his recent rise to fame, and his relationship with his 11 year old daughter Cleo who comes to stay with him for a while when his ex-wife Layna unexpectedly leaves the city due to an unexplained breakdown.
Consumerism in the United States Consumerism is the center of American culture. Americans tend to confuse their wants with their needs. With new advances in technology, as well as the help of advertisers, people are provided with easy access to new products that seem essential to their everyday life, even though they have survived this long without them. It is a fact that people cannot live without food, water or shelter but the problem with consumerism arises when people take it to far and spend money extravagantly. You do not need the most fancy or flashy things to survive.
The influence of the minority proves to in turn promote the government unresponsive to the needs of the vast majority of the population, prompting middle and lower class Americans to believe that their vote does not matter and cannot make a difference. Becoming politically active takes resources and skills, which is disproportionately bestowed on the economically well-off by higher education and occupational advancement. Americans with lower wages and education vote less due to their lack of these
Many tend to associate money with power while others may associate it as a cure for their problems. Even though having money has its good side, there are things that having a lot of money can’t provide for you such as happiness and freedom. In the article Buying Happiness: The Depressing Reality of Materialism, Dodson states “the assumption of course is that people who have a high standard of living, with the requisite happy family and abundant material goods, should be happy” . But in reality all the money in the world doesn’t equal up to love, being rich doesn’t teach life skills, and contrary to popular belief money doesn’t alleviate all problems. People know that being very wealthy and having all the amenities of a rich person, such as fancy cars, expensive clothes, and a cottage overseas are all things that may very well attract the opposite sex.
Overpaid Athletes The argument that athletes have way too large of a salary in our society has been going on for years. Most people like to argue that they are overpaid. Professional athletes are not overpaid because of their great skill in what they do, their devotion to their profession, and the fact that pro sports is one of the most profitable businesses in the world. Pro athletes are the most skillful people in the world. period.
Amish Culture and Beliefs Isolation The Amish are an isolated group and believe in living separately from the rest of the world. The biblical words “keep out of her…do not share in her sin” are taken literally by the Amish, and they shun outside company. ( Squidoo, 2009) 3 Religious views The religious views of the Amish are extremely conservative and do not permit deviation or dissent. Amish have very firm views on morals and religion and tend to interpret the bible literally, following what they believe to be its message strictly. They believe in the authority of the church, and the separation of religion and governance.
Well no matter how a Christian is defined, the golden rule supports every human being deserves the same manner of respect desired. This could suggest some sort of tolerance for non-believers, or the secular world. However a Christian is to remain unique in showing the world how God desires His creation to live and in what manner He desires them to commune with Him. WHAT IS CHRISTIAN PLURALISM? Christian pluralism is the belief that all other religions are all true ways to God, as well as Christianity, with the exception of Jesus Christ being the only way.