Love in Poems

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Compare how relationships are presented in six poems Sonnet 43 is a love poem where the speaker expresses her intense love for her lover, throughout the poem you can feel her deep love and affection towards her husband, in comparison the Holy Palmers Kiss in Romeo and Juliet also shares the theme of innocent love, the love is also passionate as they have only met each other however the audience can sense the chemistry already formulating between them by the 14 lines we are presented with. Structure: Sonnet 43 is written in a Petrarchan form, with an octave followed by a sestet. The octave (8 lines) presents the theme of true love and some religious ideas, the following sestet develops these ideas she makes comparisons between the intensity of her feelings and the love she felt as a child ‘smiles, tears, of all my life’. Sonnet 43 has a regular rhyme scheme however it’s not strict and is often replaced with assonance e.g. ‘praise’ and ‘faith’. The poem seems to be an oxymoron as it describes the perfect love however it fails to follow the perfect pattern for this type of poem. In contrast the Holy Palmers Kiss is an example of Shakespeare’s many sonnets with 14 lines, one element of this sonnet is the problem/solution argument in which Romeo presents an if/then situation e.g. ‘if’ he violates Juliet’s hand, ‘then’ he’ll make it better by kissing it. This problem/solution argument allows Romeo to propose the idea of kissing Juliet without insulting her innocence however Juliet presents another ‘solution’ in which Romeo has committed no sin in touching her hand as ‘saints have hands that pilgrims hands do touch’. Even though the sonnet structure is quite strict is has an unusual rhyme scheme as it changes from abab cdcd in the first quatrain to abab cbcb in the second. Language: Both ‘Sonnet 43’ and ‘The Holy Palmer’s Kiss’ use language to present themes
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