Looking For Alibrandi Research Paper

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Alibrandi Looking for Alibrandi has been made with many characters and themes; these themes include teenage sexuality, multiculturalism, Relationships and love. These themes have been supported with a number of techniques that help to portray the themes across to the audience which can relate to the user through issues in society. Dialogue and contrast has been used to capture the characters and the way they change throughout the novel. The main character is a teenage girl named Josephine Alibrandi. Josephine is an "Australian with Italian blood flowing rapidly through her veins" as she comes to realise. The composer Melina Marchetta writes the novel in a diary like style to create a sense of realism and truth to the story. Josie used to be embarrassed about being Italian but through the novel she becomes proud of her Italian heritage. Josie finds tomato day suffocating and embarrassing and we learn this when she Sais “This might be where I come from, but do I really belong here?” Josie’s opinion changes through hearing Katia’s story and realising the importance of her heritage. Josie initially resents her father but comes to love and respect Michael and accept him in her life. An example of this…show more content…
Quote: Initially she feels that she is out of place, “I don’t belong anywhere and I hate it”. After John’s death she understands that she doesn’t belong in his world, and therefore sets about creating her own sense of belonging. “I know now that what’s important is who I feel I am”. Conclusion: Josie’s transformation from schoolgirl to young adult is the result of a number of major events in her personal and school life. Indeed, without these influences, Josie’s heightened understanding of herself and others would never have occurred. In reflecting on these experiences and understanding their impact on her life, Josie’s transformation is
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