Loneliness In 'Of Mice And Men'

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Michael Coburn Ms. Jones Grade 11 English, Period 6 October 29, 2014 All Alone During the Great Depression, there were very little jobs to be had. People were forced to travel where ever work was. In order to live this way, they had no families, no friends, and no one to talk to. The life of a migrant worker during the Great Depression was a lonesome one. In the novel, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, two men, George Milton and Lennie Smalls, travel together as migrant farm workers. George is a smart, short tempered man, while Lennie is a large, mild mannered man with mental disabilities. The two endure the many troubles of the Great Depression. They travel from farm to farm in the West just to make some money. The greatest problem the two face is loneliness. The pair may not have much, but they have each other. Even though they have each other, do they really have each other? Several characters in the novel experience loneliness through isolation as outcasts. Lennie, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife have all been branded as outcasts for the same reason; they are all different. Lennie experiences loneliness through the form of his mental disabilities. Lennie has become isolated from society due…show more content…
Curley’s Wife is the only woman on the entire ranch, and Curley is a very temperamental man, so as to not upset him, no one talks to her. Every time she tries to have a conversation with one of the men, they avoid her at all costs. While Lennie is trying to escape from her, “Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.” (86). She is trying to guilt Lennie into talking to her by telling him about how lonely she is. She is so lonely that she is taking advantage of Lennie’s mental disability and tricking him into talking to her. She is desperate to talk to anyone she can, even if it is Lennie, who has no idea what she is talking about. Curley’s Wife is a very isolated
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