Literacy Narrative In Writing

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Literacy Narrative All writers write for different reasons; whether it be expressing his or her opinion on a particular subject, or recording factual data from an experiment that had previously been conducted. Not everyone likes writing, just as not everyone likes mathematics or history. Personally, I LOVE writing. Writing, for me, whether it be in a diary, on a pad of paper, or even on a computer, has always been my favorite way of expressing my feelings. When writing, I have the freedom to express my opinion on a certain subject without having to worry about being judged if it is a controversial topic, or being ridiculed if my opinions seem to offend other people. I vividly remember that as a child I did not like writing at all;…show more content…
As an American citizen, I have the freedom of speech, while in other countries, some people face censorship issues. The issue of “freedom of speech” and its’ importance had never really crossed my mind until I learned about the Banned Books List. This is a list of certain literary works which have been banned by governments for having sensitive topics, or for having information which is looked down upon by certain people. Rather than just avoiding the books themselves, they find it necessary to keep the literature hidden from the general public in an effort to “protect” the people from these “negative” works. Whenever I feel as though there are constraints present, whether mental or physical, writing always seems to give me the ability to clear my head and organize my thoughts, which is what eventually led to writing becoming my main method of stress relief; along with playing music. I have even begun to broaden my horizons a little bit more now, as I have combined my love for both writing and music into a third talent; writing…show more content…
You cannot fear flight, you cannot fear the journey, and although it may seem to be quite rigorous and demanding, the final destination, whether it be becoming an accomplished writer, or learning to fly, the final destination is always worth the wait. Writing is beautiful, life is beautiful, the world is beautiful, along with everything in it the only difficult part is learning to fly over everything so you can see and enjoy g-d’s creations. Just take the time to appreciate and write about your surroundings and experiences, good or bad, because memories may fade, as they often times do, but if you take advantage of one of g-d’s most wonderful gifts, the gift of language, then you, along with others can enjoy those memories for years to
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