Writing Styles Questionnaire

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Each and every writer has a writing style that ultimately defines them as a writer and finding out what that style is can only make them a better writer. What is so exciting about writing is that something as concrete as IQ does not determine your style. Also, writing styles are appealing for different people and allow for all types of audiences. For myself, I found that my style is not so easy to determine. My writing style is a combination of emotional, concrete and social characteristics. When discovering my writing style, finding myself to be an emotional writer does not surprise me. Throughout all of high school, I always did a good job at being "expressive and descriptive". In my school, we specialized in "collaborative studies". This meant, but was not limited to, that all writing assignments would at some point go through peer revisions. Having to always consider my audience made me aware of who my audience is, regardless of the level that is expected. Being an emotional writer has allowed me to also be concrete over being abstract. Concrete writers are known to "find it easy to supply details to support an idea. You are able to write accurate, detailed descriptions and observations." Out of all the different writing styles, this was the only style that was not decided by only one question. Based on the questionnaire, I answered six questions that supported me being concrete verse the one question that was for abstract writers. The question that best supported me being a concrete writer was found in the following question " I pride myself on my ability to". My answer to that question was "[I] remember numbers and facts". That answers falls perfect into the category of a concrete writer who can supply details to support ideas. The writing style that I felt best represented my writing style would have to be social. Social Writers "usually find it

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