Life Course Theory

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Military Soldier releases Government Documents through Wikileaks A United States Army soldier Private Bradley Manning has been accused of releasing 720,000 diplomatic and military documents through whistle-blowing web site Wikileaks and is currently facing 22 charges which carry a life sentence. The 24 year old soldier is being accused for downloading these files to his work stations while he was an intelligence analyst deployed in Iraq during 2009 and 2010. Manning has undergone a military hearing which will determine if he will appear at court martial for his alleged role in the case. A computer-crimes investigator Special Agent David Shaver testified that he had discovered thousands of sensitive cables and documents on the computer…show more content…
The life course perspective emphasizes the importance of time, social context, and process in both theory and analysis by taking into account historical events and changes as well as individual lives. The two central concepts in the life course perspective are trajectories and transitions. Trajectories are the long-term patterns and sequences in an individual's life. These are pathways such as marriage, parenthood, careers, and criminal or non-criminal behaviors. Transitions, on the other hand, occur within trajectories and are single events that are often age-graded, such as changes in societal roles or status. They can include graduation, divorce, retiring, an arrest, and so on. These specific life events can be so abrupt and influential that they transform life trajectories. Therefore, there is a sequence of life trajectories, transitions, and adaptations during the life course. This interlocked nature of trajectories and transitions leads to the broadly accepted viewpoint of the life course perspective that an individual's childhood is connected to adulthood experiences. The life course focuses on the full life span, from birth to death, thus posits that transitions occurring early in life or childhood can have consequences and shape events later in life. (Blackwell…show more content…
Protesters are claiming that Manning was a great soldier and that he was brave for exposing “the lies” of the American military. They claim that he was defending the United States Constitution, and that the United States Constitution needs to protect him. It is clear if Manning is convicted that he was in direct violation of his duties of the army as an intelligence analyst. He has demonstrated that he has felt extreme stress, his life events, and who he is have all played a role in what did. Work Cited "BBC News - Manning Case: Army 'failed to Spot Wikileaks Danger'" BBC - Homepage. 18 Dec. 2011. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. . "BBC News - Wikileaks Case: Soldier Bradley Manning Had 'gender Issues'" BBC - Homepage. 18 Dec. 2011. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. . "Crime, Life Course Theory of : Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology : Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online." Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online: Home. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. . "Manning’s Attorney Goes With "Gay" Defense | Lez Get Real." Lez Get Real | A Gay Girl's View on the World. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. . "Raw Video: Manning Leaker Case Draws Protesters | Citrus Daily." Citrus County Breaking News and Events on Citrus Daily. 16 Dec. 2011. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. . "Witness Links Manning To WikiLeaks Documents : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World,
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