Lewis And Clark Analysis

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“Lewis and Clark” Kreyche, F. Gerald (USA Today magazine 1998) p. 46-51 Gerald F. Kreyche, the author of “Lewis and Clark”, wrote this article to show how Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored unknown land west of the Mississippi River. He described what conditions they did it under also. Kreyche really goes into a lot of detail about how Lewis and Clark went about their trip. There is no way to tell exactly what happened, but just by going on what their journals that they wrote in along the way said, he was able to gather enough information about what was happening. Generally speaking, researchers have gathered enough information for writers like Kreyche, to report on this expedition as well as many more that have taken place through the years. One point Kreyche made was that he thought Lewis and Clark were heroes for discovering new lands. Yes, what they did was very great for our country but I would not consider them heroes. Lewis and Clark were really trying to explore the lands and find unsettled territory. When they were traveling along the Missouri River, it stated that they would stop and mingle with Indian tribes. This clearly shows that people have already explored this land before Lewis and Clark arrived. I could see if there was no trace of humans on the land, but there were Indians there that they…show more content…
He introduces with heroes of all different sorts. He then goes into how Lewis and Clark were brave and eager to explore the unknown world. He then tells how in the late 18th century, President Thomas Jefferson wanted to know more about the unknown land west of the Mississippi River. So then, the President selected one man to head the project to explore this land. We do not know for certain if that is what really happened for Jefferson could have never asked Lewis to head the project. Lewis then selected his companion, Clark, to go along with him on his

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