Levendary Cafe Essay

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Jeyul Solanki Levendary Café 1. There are couple of changes that Mia Foster needs to make in order to ensure better results for the company. When a company expands in a new country, which is completely different, then it is difficult to maintain the same corporate culture. It is evident that the way Levendary Café operates in the US is different than the way it operates in China, and rightly so as both cultures are completely different. The first thing Mia Foster needs to changes is to let Levendary Café become part of China and by that I mean to adapt to the culture and their way of life, rather than maintaining a rigid culture. It has become evident that their concept and store design needs to adapt to the local culture. The company maintains a rigid concept and that’s where Foster needs to make the first change. The second change should be in the way she deals with Louis Chen. It is evident that Chen’s past records have proved his credibility in understanding the local culture. He has attempted to adapt accordingly to the local culture. It will be beneficiary to the company if Foster maintains a healthy relationship with Chen by understanding his points of view and by being patience to avoid any sorts of conflict, as it could damage the company’s reputation. Any drastic changes in the concept can be disastrous; therefore Foster and Chen needs to work together and develop solutions that benefits the company, and then execute those change slowly to avoid any damage. The biggest change should be to create a China headquarter to maintain restaurants in the region. There have been difficulty in reporting process, which can be avoided if there is headquarter in China itself to efficiently process planning and reporting. China headquarter can then report to US headquarter, which will create a better organization, and the difficulty of ineffective reporting will be
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