"Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds"(Sonnet 116) by William Shakespeare vs. the Modern Song "Still" by Tamia

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Natoshia A. Smith English Comp 2 Ms.Crump 9:30-10:45 "Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds"(Sonnet 116) by William Shakespeare Vs. the modern song "Still" by Tamia Everyone has a different definition of love. The poem "Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds" by William Shakespeare, and the song "Still" by Tamia offers an optimistic take on it. Love in both works is seen as a truly powerful, unstoppable force of nature. This idealized view of love is timeless, and still relevant to culture in our fast paced twenty first century world. The similarities of both works is the theme of Marriage, and true love. In the song "Still", Tamia is clearly singing about her marriage between she, her husband, and the true love that they share for one another. In William Shakespeare's " sonnet 116" Shakespeare is speaking his opinion about traditional marriage, and love which is very similar to Tamia's view on her marriage. Both works also describe unconditional love in very different, but similar ways. Tamia sings of how she, and her husband still love each other like the first day they met even though they both have aged, and have kids. Shakespeare says basically the same thing in his sonnet. He claims that true love is constant even though people, and circumstances change. In both works Tamia, and Shakespeare speak about how love conquers all conflict that a relationship may face. Tamia describes in her song that she, and her husband go through problems like everybody else, But she don't mind because the love she, and her husband has for one another allows them to talk it out, and move on with their lives. Shakespeare's opinion about

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