Legislation Relevant to Infection Control

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LEGISLATION RELEVANT TO INFECTION CONTROL Health and safety at work act (1974) This is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in the UK, and is enforced by the health and safety executive (HSE). It states that the employer has a duty to provide a safe working environment and must carry out full risk assessments in order to achieve this. Employees must also be adequately trained to deal with these risks. In addition, under this act employers also have a duty to protect the welfare of others who may be affected (e.g. patients, visitors). The Management of Health and Safety at work regulations 1999 This is the approved code of practice providing guidance to employers on the regulatory specifics to enable them to write and communicate policy in order to comply with the Health and Safety at work act. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) These regulations are set out by the HSE and require that employers must report all incidences of death, major injury, work related injury resulting in more than 7 days off work, work related diseases and dangerous occurrences in order for them to be fully investigated and risk assessed. It is vital that these incidences are accurately recorded should they arise. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) These guidelines apply to all healthcare workers, local authorities, charities and all other health and social care providers. They support the healthcare professional to ensure that they are providing patients with the best quality care and offer the best value for money. Topics for guidance are referred to NICE by the Department of Health for appraisal. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 This is the law that requires employers to control substances that are deemed to be hazardous to health, such as chemicals, dust, fumes

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