Learning to Help in a Counselling Way

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Having attended the 'Introduction to Counselling Course' for the last five months I have found out a lot about myself and how I relate to others. This has been a time of reflection in which I have obtained a more in depth and honest picture of myself, there is still a long way to go and I have learned it is not always easy facing up to ones fears, motivations or and accepting oneself. Reflecting has become an important part of this learning experience an example of how I have learned about myself will be: having kept a learning journal. I have regularly written my personal reflections on issues discussed in class. Reading the journal before commencing to write this essay has helped me understand and clarify issues and ideas; it has also made me see and reflect on ideas were I might have drawn conclusions in the past which were not entirely founded or passed judgment in issues when now reading back they do not seem appropriate. I.e.: Advising a friend what they should or shouldn’t do according to my personal views. Reflecting has also helped me evaluate and questioned my ideas with regards to my goals about my Personal Development Planning: my motivations and choices. I have become aware of what I want to achieve, planning a review and evaluating a course of action is enabling me to understand my goals and work on them. For example taking up this course has been a huge step for me, I can recall reading my note on my learning journal (7th of October 2011) were I describe the excitement and expectations of my first day attending this course and meeting my new fellow students. It has also made me gain control over some of my thoughts, emotions, responses and behaviour so that I am able to identify certain patterns in my daily life and certain behaviours towards members of my family

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