Lead and Manage a Team

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Unit 510 Lead and manage a team within a health and social care or children and young people’s setting [LM1c] 1-1 There is no ideal approach to building a team. A team must learn as it is developing, adopt a preferred approach on how it will function. It is important to remember that performance is at the core of building a strong team. [1] Select members by skill, not be personalities. [2] Give sufficient time to the initial meetings. [3] Establish rules of behaviour. [4] Set short-term goals. [5] Set new challenges. [6] Recognise team performance. With the right mix of personalities, skills and commitment, trust will develop and the team will be able to achieve extraordinary results for the company. 1-2 It is important to keep in mind necessary conditions for effective teamwork: Shared purpose and vision, and independency of work effort. Without these being present, no amount of teambuilding will be successful. Teams exist for a specific purpose in companies with the right mix of attention, trust, and commitment and shared leadership. Challenges will arise if the team members are not pulling together towards the same aims and objectives. Communication and information will go a long way to the successfulness of any team performance. 1-3 Teams are no different from individuals, with the exception that usually more people are involved within a team set-up. Teams need to have clear direction, and without clear direction or clarity about where it’s heading will flounder in the struggle to achieve real and possibly any real results. Within the structure of any team, new goals and aims need to be implemented. Visions could become blurred and motivation lacking. 1-4 By looking at new approaches and ideas, fresh thinking and communication can be improved. Stand back and re-think take a long look at the skills of the team
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