Lakota Woman Summary

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Book Review – Lakota Woman By Mary Crow Dog Since the American government passed laws to push for progress and to help ‘civilise’ the Native American peoples, Indians have suffered as they can no longer practice their cultural customs or speak their native languages and yet are considered to be less than human in the eyes of the White Americans. In the book “Lakota Woman” by Mary Crow Dog these White American ethnocentric views are highlighted from experiences in Crow Dog’s life and are compared to the degree of ethnocentrism displayed by the Indians to keep their culture in defiance of the White Americans plans for them. Growing up on an Indian reservation Mary Crow Dog experienced the ethnocentrism…show more content…
During her early teens she was forced to go to boarding school not only by her mothers will but by state law all Indian children were forced away from their parents and sent to Christian boarding schools to acculturate these children through these cultural modification policies, (Bodley, 1999, p. 93). Despite the aims of the laws passed to send Indian children to Christian boarding schools, this actually caused resistance in many cases, as is the case with Mary Crow Dog. The pressures and punishments delivered by these Christian caregivers exacerbated the situation which pushed her to embrace her Indian roots and learn her peoples culture, language and…show more content…
148), the movement staged many protests against prejudiced Indian rights leading up to the siege at Wounded Knee. Wounded Knee was a rebellion of the extension of the White government control, by the Indians. The Whites established a government and military quickly after the colonisation of America that pacified the Indians in order to gain control of resources. This is the natural order of colonisation and with this idea combined with the fact that these Indians were educated (as by decree of the very same government), this caused the uprising against their White oppressors by the Indians, (Bodley, 1999, p.60). It seemed a disaster waiting to happen. Mary Crow Dog was a leader of sorts in this standoff against the state police, as she gave birth to her son here in amongst the incessant fighting. Through this situation, the sheer length of the whole face-off and the number of Indian casualties, the Indians staging the siege gained national and international attention and the US government was forced to reconsider its laws concerning Native

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