Lab Techniques and Measurements

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Jessica Cooley Laboratory Techniques and Measurements Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the use of the International Systems of Units (SI system) as it relates to measurements in length, temperature, mass, volume, and density. Procedure: * Exercise 1 – In this exercise measurements were taken in length, temperature, and mass. To begin a metric ruler was used to determine the length of a CD, key, spoon, and fork in centimeters and millimeters before being converted into meters. Next, temperature was measured using a glass beaker, cup, burner stand, burner fuel, and thermometer. Hot water from the tap was collected in the beaker and measured with the thermometer in degrees Celsius. Then the beaker was placed on the burner stand and the burner fuel was placed under the stand. The hot water was measured again once the water was boiling, and yet again after boiling for 5 minutes. Once the temperatures were recorded in degrees Celsius they were converted into degrees Fahrenheit and Kelvin. Next, cold water from the tap was collected in a plastic cup and measured in degrees Celsius. A handful of ice was then placed into the cup and sat for about 1 minute. The ice water was then stirred with the thermometer and the temperature was again collected in Celsius. Then the ice water sat for about 5 minutes and was stirred once again to collect the final temperature in Celsius. Once all of the temperatures were collected in degrees Celsius they were converted into degrees Fahrenheit and Kelvin. Lastly, a digital scale was used to determine the mass of a pencil, pennies, dimes, quarters, and a key. Before using the scale each combination of items (a pencil, 3 pennies, a quarter, 2 quarters and 3 dimes, 4 dimes and 5 pennies, 1 quarters 1 dime and 5 pennies, a key, and a key a quarter and 4 pennies) was estimated for mass in grams. Once
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