Krispy Kreme Essay

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Brittani Hutchens BUSN 402 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. Here are the questions that will need to be addressed for this case: 1. What can the historical income statements (case Exhibit 1) and balance sheets (case Exhibit 2) tell you about the financial health and current condition of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.? The income statement shows profitability. Net income for Jan 2000 --$5956 Feb 2004--$57,087 Then discontinued Montana Mills resulting in a loss But was able to come back in Aug 2004 $5764 The balance sheets show current ratio (current assets to dollars in liabilities) Krispy Kreme had more cash assets available 2004 compared to 2000. This is why the company was able to recover from the loss of Montana Mills. The steady growth and quick recovery shows the Krispy Kreme is a financially healthy company. 2. How can financial ratios extend your understanding of financial statements? What questions do the time series of ratios in case Exhibit 7 raise? What questions do the ratios on peer firms in case Exhibits 8 and 9 raise? Financial ratios show a company’s financial performance, strengths and problem areas. The time series ratios shows successive times, sales forecast, and I think that Krispy Kreme was a financially healthy company the last 5 years according to Exhibit 7. The ratios on peer firms shows Krispy Kreme in comparison to other competitors, Krispy Kreme shows the best current ratio. Profit before taxes 14.2- 2003 3. Is Krispy Kreme financially healthy at year-end 2004? I think Krispy Kreme was financially healthy year end 2004, they had more cash assets in 2004 than in 2000. This steady growth shows Krispy Kreme is a financially health

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