Kite Runner Thesis

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Lucas Harder In the novel Kiterunner by Khaled Hosseini, betrayal leads to foregiveness which eventually becomes love. Betrayal, which can be considered a form of sin, is enduring and becomes cyclical in The Kite Runner. For almost all of the novel, Amir deals with his guilt by avoiding it. But by doing this clearly does nothing toward redeeming himself, and thus his guilt endures. That is why he still cringes every time Hassan's name is mentioned. When Amir finds out about Baba's betrayal of Ali (and subsequent betrayal of Hassan), he realizes that everything he thought he knew and understood about his father was false. For example, “He knew I’d seen everything in the alley… for the last time.”(216). And Amir himself feels betrayed. But Baba has been dead for fifteen years, and there is nothing he can do about the situation. Neither feelings of betrayal nor punishment are enough to redeem Amir. Rescuing Sohrab from Assef is not enough either. Only when Amir decides to take Sohrab to the United States and provide his nephew a chance at happiness and prosperity that was denied to his half-brother does Amir take the necessary steps toward atonement and redemption. Moving on all these aforementioned events eventually became met with foregiveness. Ideas about forgiveness permeate The Kite Runner. Hassan's actions demonstrate that he forgives Amir's betrayal, although Amir needs to spend practically the entire novel to learn about the nature of forgiveness. Even with Amir not being the best friend he could to be to Hassan he still was impeccably loyal, “For you a thousand times over Amir Agha!”(165). Baba's treatment of Hassan is his attempt at gaining public forgiveness for what he has not even publicly admitted to have done. Yet the person who speaks most poignantly about the nature of forgiveness is Rahim Khan. In his letter, he asks Amir to forgive him for keeping

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