Juvenile Offenders In Adult Prisons

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Since the 1990s the number of juveniles confined in detention facilities has been increasing. Though the population of children between the ages of 10 and 19 only increased by 3% the number of juveniles confined in detention facilities increased from 51,000 in 1979 to 104,000 in 2001. There is also a steep increase of juveniles in adult prisons. It is estimated that 107,000 juveniles are incarcerated on any given day Out of the 107,000, 14,500 are housed in adult facilities, approximately 9,100 are placed in local jails, and 5,400 are housed in adult prisons. These statistics reflect the “tough on crime” policy being imposed in the United States. The lawmakers who enacted laws designed to make it easier for juveniles to be tried and punished as adults see that the only solution to juvenile crime is to detain more children to make the society safer. It…show more content…
They are suggesting that the state government should look into the possibility of using community-based alternative to detention which is not only more cost-effective but could also be a more effective solution to juvenile crimes. But this could only work if you have those teens who want the help. So that’s why they provide them with the feel like you at home setting. The state feel if we can provide them with the essential of doing the right thing, they will less likely to commit a crime. But being touch on crime is always a good approach, that’s what are need to stay on track. The justice system is setting young youth for failure, detention centers are not punishing they are rewarded them and that’s not helping our youth. It needs to be establish that when you do the crime you do the time and not be rewarded. So is the justice system the way to go the answer is yes but with hard
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