Justice: Truth Or Lie?

522 Words3 Pages
Justice is fairness or reasonableness, especially in the way people are treated or decisions are made. It is the legal system, or the act of applying or upholding the law, but is there any true justice or is all of it a lie? Seeing this question, many might just laugh at the accusation of how justice cannot be true justice, but be a lie. They would wonder at the audacity someone would have to question the legal system. But alas here it is, and this is the situation we are all in when it comes down to the flip of the coin: on the one side there is truth, but on the other there is lie. Ever hear that saying that in every lie there is the truth and in every truth there is a lie? Well, let’s just say that is exactly how our ‘justice’ in the world is. On the one side we have the strong, trustworthy people who are doing their best to bring justice to the unjust, and on the other we have the weak, manipulative people who are doing their best to seem just, while at the same time uplifting the unjust. These two types of people are positioned all over the world and hold various important, public jobs. In the world we live in, there is a thin line between one and the other. It’s seen all the time on television, when a murder walks free, while someone else is sentenced to ten years in prison for shoplifting. When a judge, the person who is supposed to distribute justice, is called on charges of rape, murder, or other such crimes, where is the justice in that? Every day people are getting murdered, raped, and mugged, and every day the people who are doing it are just getting a slap on the wrist and put right back out there. How can someone adequately trust the in the legal system when there seems to be little to no justice being dished out? When victims of a crime are still yet afraid to walk out of their homes at night, they have to have security escort them to their cars at

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