Just a Simple Country Boy

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Just a simple country boy Have you ever thought of having a simpler life? Have you ever found that peace and quiet moment in it? Well it has been said that those who are going to stress and are so busy in the city have moved to the country side to find that peace and quiet and to be cut off from the rushed and stressful life of the city. Noweraday you find more people living in the city then in a village in the country side, but people don’t know how much one can benefit by living in those rural areas. One main con that one find in the city is pollution and there are many forms of it. The first on is the most common on, distribution and removal of waste product. One can say that in the city where ever you go you will find trash and rubbish, on the street, sidewalks, alleys and parks and because of this one wouldn’t be living the best lifestyle. Apart from that they bring smell and diseases which could affect your health. On the other hand when one lives in countryside, on his own or in a small village, he would be living a pool of fresh and green grass. The fact that one would be living next to a field of grass or next to a group of tree he or she would be living in a very fresh and clean area. Two other forms of pollution is noise pollution and air pollution. One knows that the city is a busy place and people are always moving from one place to another and because of this car, trains, buses and other means of transport cause air pollution because of the car fumes that make the air bad to breath in. apart from that , the noise of the car engine and horns is very stressful and annoying for those who have to sleep or need to work. When one finds himself in the country side he or she is are an area silent and peace sounds that relax and clam you down. I honestly think that I would be good to live in the country side because of the free roaming area , beautiful
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