Julius Caesar - the Power of Words

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“The real persuaders are our appetites, our fears, and above all our vanity. The skillful propagandist stirs and coaches the internal persuaders” (Hoffer 1). Persuasion not only comes from outside forces but also our inner voices, whether it be greed, vanity, or honor, and a skilled persuader will use those traits to twist people to their will. In the 15th century play, Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, Cassius and the other manipulative conspirators con Brutus into helping them in their plot to destroy Caesar. In William Shakespeare’s Renaissance drama Julius Caesar, the conspirators persuade Brutus to assassinate Caesar. For instance Shakespeare states, “Well, Brutus, thou art noble; yet I see thy honourable mettle may be wrought from that it is dispos’d…” (Julius Caesar 1.2.298-300). Brutus is known to be extremely noble and honorable; the conspirators decide to use those traits against him. Additionally William Shakespeare remarks, “I will this night, in several hands, in at his window throw, as if they came from several citizens, writings all tending to the great opinion that Rome holds of his name; wherein obscurely Caesars abomination shall be glanced at” (Julius Caesar 1.2.305-310). Cassius decides to write letters to Brutus that are seemingly written by many angry and bitter yet powerless citizens in an effort to make Brutus believe that killing Caesar is the right, even though not necessarily morally, action to take; as a result the thought of killing Caesar starts to appear as the honorable thing to do. Furthermore Shakespeare comments, “Three parts of him is ours already, and the man entire upon the next encounter yields him ours” (Julius Caesar 1.3.154-156). Cassius believes that they have accomplished in winning over Brutus to their side; therefore, Brutus hass nearly been completely persuaded to commit treason against Caesar. The conspirators
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