Julias Caesar and Painting Related Text

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Related Text Assignment Title of Text: ‘The death of Caesar’ Medium: Painting (oil on canvas) Source and Date of publication: Painted 1859-1867. On display in The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore. Composer: Jean-Léon Gérôme Brief Summary: This is a depiction of the immediate aftermath of the assassination of Julius Caesar. The painting is reminiscent of a photograph in its smooth and polished nature. |Personality, Event |Perspectives in |Perspectives in | |and/or Situation |Julius Caesar and how they are represented (techniques) |Related Text and how they are represented (techniques) | |The conspirators | | | | |In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, it is shown that there are |In Gerome’s work it is clear that all of the senators, bar two, were in on | | |only a handful of conspirators from the senators. Most of |the conspiracy. In the centre of the frame is the prominent collective | | |the senators are not involved in the conspiracy. In Brutus’ |group of senators who are proceeding through the arch out into the public | | |line “People and senators, be not frightened” we see that |space. Gerome shows the assassination to be a collective effort. This is in| | |Brutus is telling the other senators to not be alarmed, thus|contrast to Shakespeare’s representation where there is a group of senators| | |they were not involved. The goal of the conspiracy is |who conspire but most are not involved. Gerome’s choice of colour for

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