John Winthrop: A Model Of Christian Charity

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2-5 John Winthrop, “A Model of Christian Charity” 1. The reason given by John Winthrop for why humankind is separated into economic and political classes is to preserve the good of it. 2. According to Winthrop, despite class divisions humans should be fair, and humble with each other, and have the best interest for others and mostly keep united. 3. Winthrop suggest that New England has all eyes on them by suggesting that it is like a “city on a hill” and that their responsibility is to obey the rules of god and follow his graceful path. 2-6 The Taking of the Fort at Mystic: A Brief History of the Pequot War 1. John Mason thought that the Pequot’s behavior towards the English was intolerable, but he was uncertain if the English army was…show more content…
Tobacco is important in terms of trade because the result in great income for the manufacturers and merchants, and tobacco is also exchangeable for a wide variety of products that are necessary. 2-12 James Oglethorpe: The Stono Rebellion 1. The group of Negro slaves did not represent a great threat to whites due to that the armament and quantity of soldiers of the militia was much greater to the group of the slaves. It did not become a threat to the preservation of slavery, if anything it made the situation worst; they began being strictly controlled to avoid any altercations or revolts. 2. It took courageous people to take down armed and dangerous slaves. As the source said, they were kind and had mercy for them because they gave them a painless death. However, it is ironic because if they really had mercy and were kind, they would have stopped the rebellion without any bloodshed. 3. The political factor that played a role in the establishment of Augustine as a safe haven for slaves was the proclamation in which the king of Spain promised to protect and free Negroes slaves in Augustine. The religious factor was that Negroes would evangelize the Roman Catholic religion and the Spanish were also catholic and very religion oriented, so that played a major role in labeling Augustine as a safe haven for Negro…show more content…
In general, Bacon’s complaints against governor Berkeley were the raising of taxes, not advancing as a whole, his mercy for Indians, and his lack of protection for Virginia. The citizens of Virginia would agree because they are being affected negatively, however, Indians would disagree because they are benefited by
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