Jfk Inaugural Address

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Rhetorical Analysis of JFK’s Inaugural Address John F. Kennedy was exceptionally talented in his ability of using tropes and schemes. This skillset is always imperative in any literature related work. The rhetorical strategies Kennedy uses in his inaugural address help him to achieve success with his ethos, pathos, and logos. Kennedy’s purpose in his speech is to reach out to America and raise their morale. He is also trying to show that he has true concern for the people, instead of simply having his own personal agenda of becoming president. The main purpose in his address is to get everyone motivated and participating in the society. His speech starts with an antithesis that says symbolizing the end as well as the beginning. This statement isn’t false, because at the end of every adventure there is another one waiting. His sentence tries to tell America that they have a new journey to embark upon. An antithesis is the combining of contrasting ideas. He also uses another antithesis near the end of his speech. He attempts to recognize that arms are needed for power, but he does this in a manner that doesn’t provoke a war. He does the same for battles, especially because America always seems to be involved in one. Kennedy’s favorite rhetorical strategies involve repetition. He frequently uses Anaphora and Mesodiplosis. Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a sentence, and Mesodiplosis is the repetition of a word or phrase of words in the middle of a sentence. His repetition of the phrase, we pledge, creates the promise that America will always do its best. He uses Anaphora twice when he says let both sides, and my fellow. He wants to emphasize that both sides can work together to create peace instead of war. He uses the other phrase, my fellow, to make
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