Jesus Identity In Christians And Muslims

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Chapter 1 Introduction Jesus enjoys a unique and a very special status in the beliefs of Islam. Muslims honor him so greatly that some of the Muslims were named after him. They treat him as one of the greatest prophets of God. He is even mentioned several times with specific titles in Qur’an. However, for Christians, Jesus Christ is the center of Christianity and also the center of Christian religion. Christian religion would never make any single sense without the person of Christ where it is first and foremost committed. It is whom this religion based its foundation. Though Jesus plays a very important role in the shaping of Muslim beliefs, there are still opposing ideas between Christians and Muslims. If there is one substantial difference which matter most as utterly irreconcilable that will always cause debate between Christians and Muslims, it is certainly Jesus Christ. Statement of the Problem The problem addressed in this study is to find out the similarities and the differences in the views of Christians and Muslims concerning the identity of Jesus and the impact of his ministry. This has particular reference to the life and teachings of Jesus here on earth particularly enough about his death and resurrection. And also touches his titles or given names in both the Bible and the Qur’an. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to compare the descriptions of both Christians and Muslims’ understanding about the identity of Jesus. This would also examine and provide an explanation about the topic presented on this paper. Significance of the Study While this study is significant to the enlargement of the author’s knowledge in this topic, the result of this paper may also be significant for others who are seeking clearer understanding on the similarities and differences of Christians and Muslims about Jesus identity

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