Jazz History

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Sheretta Williams Art March 15, 2013 Jazz History What does the word Jazz actually mean? It means a style of music, native to America, characterized by a strong but flexible rhythmic understructure with solo and ensemble improvisations on basic tunes and chord patterns and, more recently, a highly sophisticated harmonic idiom. Jazz can be known by distinguishing features. First it points out the lesser beats in the bar or club second and fourth; it is similar to the music that is traditional that points out the 1st and 3rd beat. Next thing is the syncopation through short and strong rhythmic phases. The last thing is that jazz is a swing; you must know and do the swing in any jazz performance. When the war had just ended, which was…show more content…
The first American jazz dancers name was called, Joe Frisco. When he did the shuffle, his turns, and the camel walk they were supported in his comedy acts. Artist loved the way his voice sounded, his Derby looking hat and his cigar, in 1918 he made his appearance in the Ziegfeld Follies. After World War I, socialization problems began to happen in the United States. Men began to call the women “flappers,” had her short skirt on, her rolled up stockings, and she also schemed on the elder people by her dancing and her soft voice and cabarets. (Jazz Dance,…show more content…
He was a student and a performer at the Denishawn Dance Company that was founded by the modern dancers Ruth Dennis and Ted Shawn. Jack put together a modern dance for jazz, and to make it more motivational for technical jazz and artistic jazz dances. Also, while he was in training he got steps from modern dancing, and came up with the idea of a dance, called low to the ground. With this it gave jazz dance a sense of power and a sense of gravity. In which the two things that were a big part of jazz dance were isolation and syncopation, Jack was interested, and because of this it plays a big part in jazz dance today. (Jazz Dance, 2011) Throughout the years individuality and improvisation were a required part of jazz dance. When dancers create jazz moves they have no limitations on the dancers or the moves that they performed. Dances move from peppy and bright to what is called being soulful and comes with a flow of rhythms. Teachers teach their students ballet first in order to develop strength and agility to perform leaps, turns, and kicks that are used in jazz. (Jazz Dance,

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