Item B Rhetorical Analysis

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As seen in Item B, feminists believe that “many religions are patriarchal and function to subordinate women.” They believe it does this by enforcing patriarchal ideologies, aimed at enforcing the status of men as the ruling class and women as the subordinate class. Such ideologies include religious rituals that impose men as having the lead role, whereas women are found to be the planners or have similar behind-the-scenes duties. This is shown in Sikhism, where women are made to plan any large affairs and men receive all the praise as an active role in the performance. Many places of worship also segregate the sexes, which marginalises women. They are seated behind screens or on the outskirts, allowing males to have a more central role…show more content…
Some Muslim women must wear a burqa, which is a full body covering dress, with mesh over the eyes. They also must not travel outside alone without a male relative and permission from their male next of kin. Their marriages are arranged, so there is very little freedom. Women have also long received unequal punishments to men, such as genital mutation or punishments for being “overly sexual”. Religions are also found to legitimate and regulate the traditional domestic role of the woman, like the Catholic Church bans contraception and promotes the woman as the housekeeper and mother figure. Woodhead argues that the exclusion of women priests from the Catholic Church shows its unease about women in general. Although this is true, Nawal El Saadawi argues that it is not the direct cause of religion to subordinate women. She disputes that instead, it is the patriarchal forming of society that exists is reflected into religion and multiplied. She believes that men reinterpreted religious beliefs in a way that was patriarchal and that is now what contributes to the oppression and legitimacy of men’s power over
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