Isolation Essay on Grendel vs. the Seafarer

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Isolation Essay i·so·la·tion/ˌīsəˈlāSHən/ Noun: 1. The process or fact of isolating or being isolated. 2. A lack of contact between persons, groups, or whole societies. 3. The failure of an individual to maintain contact with others or genuine communication where interaction with others persists. out·cast/ˈoutˌkast/ Noun: 1. A person who has been rejected by society or a social group. “Anybody who's ever gone through a hard time - any outsider's perception, no matter how much information they're given, they have no idea what the person's life is like. “ Amy Grant— Introduction -- Being isolated from the world can be though on any person and any creature. We were made to be in contact with other human beings just like us. Making contact with different people can have a huge impact on our lives, but mostly, it builds on our personality. Being an outcast also keeps you from being in contact with others. To be an outcast: to have your friends or family reject you. This could give spark to feelings of hatred and betrayal. People you once idolized could easily become enemies. Being isolated or rejected hasn’t changed much since the Anglo-Saxon times. On the other hand, our reactions to being isolated or rejected have. Revenge is always close by in the back of our minds. - GRENDEL – In the book Grendel, the main character is the last of his species, excluding his mother who might as well be non-existent in the novel. Grendel is a monster who speaks a language very similar to that of the humans. He watches the humans from the shadows very often. He feels a certain attachment to them throughout the whole novel, but he is unable to become close to any of them due to his horrifying form. The humans are terrified of Grendel, and attack him whenever he comes near. He feels completely isolated, as do many people in our world.

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