Isaias Garcia's Growing Up-Personal Narrative

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GROWING UP I was graduating from high school with my good friend Isaias Garcia, when he asked me "what you about to do when all of this is over?" I looked at him with a disgusted face. The first thing that came in my mind was "What kind of question is that?" I realize he really wanted to know since he wanted to know since he wanted ideas into what to go for. I said I wanted to go to college and get a degree in criminal justice and become a police officer and hopefully after a few years become an FBI agent. In one week i was graduating, but I had gotten use to being with friends all the time having lunch breaks and all that good stuff. We had already ordered our gowns when I asked Isaias why he had ordered a large gown since he is about 5'6 180 pound. He said jokingly "My stomach needs room". I started laughing hysterically and realize I was going to miss the fun times we had as we would be be heading into a different direction after graduating. During the same week I had gone home one day and my dad had told me he was proud of me and was…show more content…
I wasn't going to let it ruin my week I didn't have the two classes that exact Monday I had them on Fridays basically I was in class the whole day. As Friday came I got ready and took extra time to make sure I was not late and to make sure I could choose a seat. I arrived to the campus I could not find my first class as I should have came prepared. I did a couple of circles until I figured out the number pattern. As I got to my class all the things I felt were gone away I was ready to tackle this class. My first class was a new student seminar pretty interesting class what had got me was the homework I was not sure if I was able to do it. All I had to do is stay focused which I was for the first month then I started to lack. My second class was actually one of the easiest that I knew I was going to for sure

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