Is Torture Wrong

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Torture Is it Right Or Wrong MIL275: Military Ethics November 2012 Torture Is it Right Or Wrong Since September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, a number of things have changed around the United States regarding how people view and feel about the rest of the world. The terrorist attacks opened many eyes because of the acts that were committed on that day had not taken place on American territory since Pearl Harbor. In addition to the many lives that were changed and altered, people lost family members moms, dads, sons and daughters were all gone. The loved ones who were left behind along with the rest of the United States of America wanted nothing more than for the people who were behind the attacks to be held responsible. In order to…show more content…
Some would consider this morally justifiable act based on both Just War theory and the principles of self-defense. Under the Just War Theory, a war is just only if it is defensive and meets four strict conditions. The requirements are: “that the damage inflicted by the aggressor must be lasting, grave and certain; that there must be serious prospects of success; that all other means of ending the war must be shown to be impractical or ineffective; and that the use of force cannot produce evils graver than those to be eliminated”(Just War Theory…show more content…
I want a government that will do whatever it takes to protect its people. I honestly do not understand why this opinion is so unpopular. It would not make us just as bad as the Saddam Hussein's and Osama Bin Laden's of the world. There is a big difference between torturing someone for say, being a homosexual, and torturing someone to protect innocent people's lives. It seems that either most Americans do not have the stomach for it or they seem to believe that sympathy for terrorists is somehow a moral virtue. Sometimes you have to do wrong thing for the right reason. Shooting someone with a gun, for example, is normally an ugly thing that is awful to think about. However, if a police officer shoots someone with a gun in order to protect an innocent person we not only justify it but thank god, that it was done. For instance if our government captures a terrorist that has planted a nuclear bomb in New York City. The government would have a moral duty to do whatever is necessary to get the information out of the suspect. If that means using violence to protect innocent people is not morally wrong, I would consider it is self-defense. I do not feel terrorist deserve the same rights specified in the Geneva Convention because they are not willing to follow them. I do feel like if captured they should be treated with respect like human beings and not like animals.
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