Levin’s target audience is Americans because his use of American symbolism such as “July 4,” and “unconstitutional.” In addition, the United States is not the only victim of terrorist attacks. Many countries around the world also fall prey to terrorism. According to Levin, begins his essay with a brief description of how he believes that societies view the subject of torture as negative thing. He justifies his reasoning on torture by allowing it in order to save innocent lives. Levin’s second claim is that the judicial system is a slow process when time is a factor and the only way to speed it up is by torture.
It is not acceptable to go beyond legal, moral, and/or ethical boundaries when the nation is at a risky time of war, but only on certain conditions. Some issues discussing this are the neutralism of U.S., the Executive Order #9066 declared by FDR, and the decision to drop the bomb. These issues greatly impacted America’s standing in the world and history immensely. It was recorded into history for the mistakes that we did and the damage we caused. The U.S. struggled with each issue and did what they thought was right, even if damage was caused.
What is terrorism? The definition of terrorism is the “use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce” (www.dictionary.com). There are other definitions of the word terrorism, but I think this is the best definition. This is not what people think of when they hear the word terrorism, they think of things much worse; but for this essay I will be using this definition of terrorism, because I believe terrorism is dealing specifically with terrorizing people. Most people have become more aware of terrorism, since September 11th 2001, on this date members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group managed to hijack American Airlines Flight 11 and drive it into the World Trade Center, located in New York City.
There are 2 main reasons for this First, terrorism causes death and violence, which leads to dehumanization. Terrorism is clearly immoral because of this, and the eradication of terrorism would lead to a more moral world. Second, terrorism also takes away the constitutional rights of life and property, which are basic fundamental rights for all people, as defined by the Constitution. Contention I: Inadequacy of due process towards terrorists has increased animosity amongst other countries and terrorists themselves. SP:A- Misapprehension of the innocent detriments connections with other countries.
Gun casualties and incidents throughout the country have woken the public up from its ignorance and shown them the danger guns can pose to society (Martinez, 2013). While some people want a complete blanket ban on the ownership of guns, others wants an easier access to guns so that every person may look after their own security. Part of what makes the term gun control a very controversial topic is that it’s used in a ambiguous way that does not explain the details of the issue and the demands, apart from literally controlling guns. The two prominent sides of the debate are the groups who ask for liberal gun laws that make it easier for a person to procure guns and conversely, there are groups who want to repeal the second amendment. I personally am a strong believer that an “ideal society” should have no guns; nevertheless crime is a big problem to the citizens of our society and guns are necessary.
History Controlled Assessment. Why has 9/11 had a lasting significance on the fight against terrorism? In the past we have always had a problem with terrorism; There have been bombings in many different countries like Kenya, Beirut, Lebanon, Iran and Tanzania. These bombings happened because the US positioned troops out in the countries near holy sites and embassies for protection but some people didn’t like it, like Osama Bin Laden, and decided to act on it resulting in the attack of 911. Another act of terrorism was the ‘Klu Klux Klan’ who were a group of white people who did not agree with the slave trade being abolished so they would commit crimes (like burning down buildings and rioting) and would harm people who agreed with slaves being freed.
On the other hand, I think that our government has the right to do everything in it’s power to ensure our safety, including spying on those in countries who have threatened our own. If the NSA could have taken a closer look or had more information about Hazmi and Midhar’s plan to travel to the United States, their trip would have never been successful. The NSA needs to focus their attention more to the other countries instead of basically wasting all of their time with U.S. citizens, and maybe slips like letting terrorist into our homeland wouldn’t happen. They are getting their systems blown up with information that is useless to them from Americans. If they didn’t have to spend the time to sort through all of America’s “evidence,” then they would probably be able to seek out and confirm the terroristic threats and evidence coming from outside of the
Perceiving the situation from the NSA’s point of view made me think outside the box for some time, though I’m still very mad… But being at this psychological state of mind will not lead anyone to a better thinking process. Anyways, closer to what I wanted to share with you guys. My guess is that the government is using this technique to actually capture terrorists. As funny as this sounds, I am happy that the government works this way. After all, if not the NSA, then who has the power to prevent terrorists from this country?
Edward Snowden was an ex National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who leaked classified government information to journalists about the agency’s domestic spying activities which he believed to be an abuse of NSA’s authority and illegal(McCutcheon). He maintains that his revelations were for the good of the public because the government was over reaching and trampling on our Bill of Rights. And as a result, some people see him as a hero while others have branded him as a traitor. Although Snowden sees himself as a good citizen and a force for good, I on the contrary, take the position that his actions has put the nation at a disadvantage against our fight with the terrorist and therefore, that makes him a traitor in my eyes. To begin with, Snowden’s revelations made know to the public that the NSA has been collecting phone records on millions of US citizens as well as running an electronic surveillance program code name PRISM.
The principles of The Just War Tradition stress that a Just War must be the last resort, attempting all other possible strategies before using such force. Someone in high power is the only one who is allowed to wage a war; the source must be legitimate. A just war can only be fought with a reasonable chance of success. The reasoning behind a war must not be revenge, instead, the war must result in peace; the peace that would’ve been kept had the war never begun. The injuries inflicted in the war must fit the violence that was displayed; assuring that unnecessary force was not used.