Is the Uk Prime Minister Now Effectively a President?

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A presidential system is a system of government where the executive branch is led by a person who serves as both head of state and head of government. That person is usually elected and titled "president", but can also be an unelected monarch. In contrast to parliamentary government, a president normally has a separate source of authority from that of the legislature. This means the executive (president) is accountable to the people directly, not the legislature. Both Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) and Tony Blair (1997-2007) have been described by some commentators as Prime Ministers who, whilst in office, had presidential-like characteristics. Thatcher was described as presidential because she was known to dominate cabinet discussions and was an example of spatial leadership. Tony Blair was known to avoid making discussion in cabinets, in order to avoid confrontation and instead discuss policy with a handful of close colleagues; this is known as ‘sofa politics’, which was similar to Harold Wilson’s ‘kitchen cabinet’. The UK Prime Minister is now effectively a President as the cabinet and key government departments have seen their role taken over by the prime minister and a small group of Downing Street officials and advisers. Thus the machinery of the central government has become increasingly similar to that of the White House machinery. Sir Christopher Meyer, the former British Ambassador in Washington DC, has claimed that Jack Straw and the Foreign Office were sidelined as most communication was directly between Downing Street and the Washington embassy. However, whether or not the Prime Minister has a Presidential style leadership depends highly on his (or her) majority within Parliament. Margaret Thatcher enjoyed huge majorities of over 100 following the 1983 and 1987 elections, and because of this she was able to enjoy huge amounts of power in

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