Invention of the Telephone (Historical Background)

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Scince the very early times the human beings always have had the necesity to communicate with each other. Their communication methods have improved throughout history as well as telecomunications technology in general. But the biggest improvement in communication was the invention of the telephone in the 1870s. What really led to the invention of the telephone were diverse ecomonic, political and social events in history, between others. Some of those economic events were the oil industry, blue jeans, and the first commercial barbed wire. Some political events were that the Congress created the Department of Justice, British Colombia became part of Canada, and the Republican Elephant. And finally some social events that led to the invention of the telephone were that the Congress adopted The Fifteenth Amendment, The congress passed The Indian Appropriation Act, and the Third Force Act. In 1870 John D. Rockefeller formed te Standard Oil of Ohio Company, which helped the economy of the country a lot. By 1890 Standard Oil of Ohio Company controlled 88% of the refined oil flows in the United States and the company made John D. Rockefeller the richest man in modern history. Another industry at that time was the clothing industry. In 1873 Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patent "Blue Jeans". Using heavy duty cotton cloth and copper rivets they produce trousers that are virtually indestructible aimed at Miners, Farmers, Mechanics and cattle raisers. Blue Jeans helped improve the productivity of heavy duty workers. And other thing that led to the invention of the telephone was that in 1874 Joseph F. Glidden of DeKalb, Illinois, received a patent for modern barbed after he made his own modifications to previous versions. In 1870 Congress creates The U.S. Department of Justice, which is responsible for the enforcement of the law

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