Introduction To PHIL 447: Final Exam Answers

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PHIL 447 Final Exam Guide PHIL 447 Final Exam Guide Question 1. (TCOs 3, 6, 7, 9) Here is a passage that contains a rhetorical fallacy: Name that fallacy, and in a paragraph, explain why the argument is irrelevant to the point of the passage. Here is your example for this question: I know I forgot to deposit that check into the bank yesterday. But I can’t do anything that pleases you. I brought you flowers yesterday and you didn’t even put them in water. Question 2. (TCOs 5, 8) In the example below, identify the presumed cause and the presumed effect. Does the example contain or imply a causal claim, a hypothesis, or an explanation that cannot be tested? If it does…show more content…
Question 3. (TCOs 2, 4) Explain in what way the thinking of the following statement is wrong or defective. Give reasons for your judgment. There must be something to palm reading. Millions of people believe in it. Question 4. (TCOs 3, 9) Briefly discuss how we look at sample size, sample diversity and bias in evaluating statistical studies. What factors do we look for and what questions do we ask in evaluating these aspects of a statistical study? Question 5. (TCOs 6, 7, 9) Here is a short essay about an investigation. There are also four questions/tasks; write a paragraph to answer each one of them. 1. Identify the causal hypothesis at issue. 2. Identify what kind of investigation it is. 3. There are control and experimental groups. State the difference in effect (or cause) between the control and experimental groups. 4. State the conclusion that you think is warranted by the report. Discuss how size, diversity, facts you know about the make-up of each group, and statistical significance of d factored into reaching your opinion of what conclusion is…show more content…
Most rights are based on the ability of people to agree on a social contract, the ability to make and keep agreements. Animals cannot possibly reach such an agreement with other creatures. They cannot respect anyone else’s rights. Therefore they cannot be said to have rights. Furthermore, the rights of an individual depend on the capacity of the individual to make and apply moral laws. Animals don’t have the capacity to make and apply moral laws; therefore, animals don’t have rights. 1. Is this an inductive or a deductive argument? 2. What is the argument the writer is trying to make (what is his claim or conclusion)? What are his premises?) 3. Examine the premises; do they contain fallacies? If so, where is the faulty reasoning? if you are unsure of the name of the fallacy, explain why you think the example you cite is a fallacy – that is, what is the faulty reasoning, or the unsound argument, or the misleading argument or statement? 4. Is this an argument from pathos, ethos or logos? 5. If the argument in inductive, is it strong or weak? If it is deductive is it valid? Is it sound? Explain your answers Question 8. (TCOs 6, 7, 9) Read this passage below. When you have done so, answer these three questions, writing a paragraph for each

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