Inpatient Substance-Dependent Clients

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Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Anger, Mood, and Vulnerability to Substance Use Among Inpatient Substance-Dependent Clients Jacinth Sutphin Liberty University Dr. Sonya Heckler COUN 503 April 21, 2013 Lin Article Critique: Part 2 After reading and critiquing the article, “Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Anger, Mood, and Vulnerability to Substance Use Among Inpatient Substance-Dependent Clients”, I am now able to effectively Critique the…show more content…
Both the FT group procedure and the ADC group procedures. Assigning these participants randomly to the group guarantees that there is no bias in the assignment. Therefore, I would rate this a five out of five for very satisfactory. In comparing the two groups, the treatments were described in full details, which I would rate a five out of five. In the FT procedure, it was divided into 12 individual therapy sessions administered by the same therapist who provided the ADC therapy sessions. The FT method used began with the client uncovering anger and resentment caused by another person's injustice. A decision to forgive is then introduced in which the client works on reducing resentment and offering benevolence toward the injurer. At this point, forgiveness is contrasted with excusing or condoning, forgetting, and reconciliation. The client might decide, under certain circumstances, to forgive but not reconcile. The work phase then commences, in which the client reframes who the offender is, seeing him or her certainly as wrong for the hurtful actions inflicted but also perhaps as vulnerable or scared. The key to reframing is to begin seeing the injurer as a person, not because of what happened but in spite of it. Affective exercises focused on empathy and related emotions follow. The discovery phase centers on what has been learned from the hurtful experience and the forgiveness process. In the ADC procedure, the intervention was provided in the same format of 12 individual therapy sessions. This intervention involved motivational, cognitive, and supportive techniques within the context of a 12-step-based overall program. The focus was on the therapist teaching and the participant learning skills that would enhance the likelihood of abstinence from alcohol or other drugs. There was also a detailed table providing all the
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