Crisis And Trauma Counseling Summary

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4-MAT Book Review of Dr. H. Norman Wright’s Crisis and Trauma Counseling The Complete Guide Liberty University Abstract Wright’s book “Crisis and Trauma Counseling” (2011) was written for counselors in both the church setting as well as the secular setting. It provides professional counselors with information on how to counsel in situations of crisis, loss, and trauma with an addition of biblical principles. Wrights book is also suitable for helpers (pastors, lay persons) with no specific training as a self help manual and guide. To better understand Wright’s perspective and advice for counseling he provides his readers with biblical examples, various tools, case studies, and general instructions. In addition, because referral is another part of…show more content…
4-MAT Book Review of Dr. H. Norman Wright’s Crisis and Trauma Counseling The Complete Guide Summary Wilsons book “Crisis and Trauma Counseling” (2011) covers a variety of scenarios that a counselor might encounter during a counseling session. The majority of the book relates to crisis of suicides, and death (expected and not expected). Wilson (2011) also covers in limited amounts divorce, depression, stress, scripture, prayer, and referrals (for those with minimal training). The book is aimed at helping everyone surrounding the cause of the trauma including the main person who is affected, such as: friends,
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