Informative Speech On Bipolar Disorder

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Title: Rollercoaster of Emotion Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the major aspects of Bipolar Disorder. Central Idea: The major aspects of Bipolar Disorder include symptoms, types, causes and treatments. Intro I.Video on what bipolar disorder is and statisical facts about the disorder II. I decided to speak about Bipolar Disorder because one of the closest people to me had Bipolar Disorder and I wanted to learn more in depth about this disorder. III. Today we'll discuss the major aspects if Bipolar Disorder including types, symptoms , causes and treatments. Body (TR) Lets begin with the types of Bipolar Disorder I. There are five main types of Bipolar Disorder A. The first type is…show more content…
This may last up to a few days or even a few weeks with switching in between both mania and depression. E. The last type is Rapid Cycling 1. four or more mood episodes that occur within a 12-month period. 2. A rapid-cycling pattern increases risk for severe depression and suicide attempts. (TR) Now let me share with you the different symptoms that are in each type. II. There are a few symptoms that are associated with Bipolar Disorder that are put into major categories. A. The first category is known as Mania 1. When people are in a manic "high," they may be overactive, overly talkative, have a great deal of energy, and have much less need for sleep than normal. 2. Other symptoms would include Irritability, Creative thinking, excessive laughter and maybe even agression and anger. B. The second category is Hypomania 1. This is often characterized as a less severe form of mania. 2. People with hypomania are able to carry on with their day-to-day lives and they never lose touch with reality 3. These symptoms of hypomania include things similar to Mania but not as bad. 4. These symptoms are being energetic but productive, also more talkative than usual and decreased need for…show more content…
Some symptoms are feeling hopeless, sad, empty , and feeling physical and mental sluggishness. 2. Depression could also come with thoughts of death and suicide (TR) We have spent some time talking about the symptoms, now lets discuss the possible causes that may be involved. III. There are three possible causes that are known to cause Bipolar Disorder A. Genetic Factors might come into play with starting Bipolar Disorder. 1. In families of people with bipolar disorder, relatives like parents, children, siblings are more likely to have a mood disorder than the relatives of those who do not have bipolar disorder. 2. Studies of twins indicate that if one twin has a mood disorder, an identical twin is about three times more likely than a fraternal twin to have a mood disorder as well. 3. There is a great deal of evidence that bipolar disorder can be inherited and that there is a genetic factor to developing the illness B. The neurotransmitter system has received a great deal of attention as a possible cause of bipolar disorder also. 1. Some studies suggest that a low or high level of a specific neurotransmitter such as serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine is the
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