Informative Presentation Essay

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Directions: Informative Presentation Business presentations are one of the most challenging forms of oral communication. Employers expect their workers to be able to articulate their thoughts clearly and effectively in front of small- to large-sized groups. In this assignment, you will develop your presentation skills. You will also share valuable information with the class on a professional development topic. All students must attend class on all speech days. Bring feedback forms to class so that you can provide comments to your classmates. Begin this assignment by thoroughly completing the Communication Strategy Worksheet. Craft an interesting, five-minute presentation informing the class about one facet of effective business behavior. Your presentation should include appropriate and effective visual aids. Your topic must be approved by your instructor and taken from the list in the syllabus. Review the Grading Standard for Oral Presentations to ensure you meet all requirements. Chapter 12 provides excellent techniques on crafting and delivering presentations. Review the materials posted on the Desire2Learn class website. In addition, review this checklist: * Tailor your speech to the audience (your BCOM class). * Use the three-point organizational strategy discussed in class: Intro, Body, Close. * Create a speaking outline, following the example discussed in class. * Preview your points, make effective transitions between points, and review your points. * Craft and deliver an attention-grabbing introduction. * Craft and deliver a compelling and memorable conclusion. * Cite at least three credible sources out loud. * *Cite sources on the Work Cited page and on the visual aids. * Use no more than one 3x5 index card. * Dress professionally (check the syllabus for a full description). * Practice, out loud, until

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