Information Through Communication

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Nowadays, we live in the era of information and the best way to exchange information is through communication. That is why understanding the concept of communication and acquiring it as a skill, should be one of the most important goals to every person. Organizational communication, for example, has even become a discipline of its own (Jablin and Putnam, 2001), which shows its significance. The word itself means “a common sharing of information” and its concept has been discussed and analyzed by many scientists, psychologists, etc. Communication is not only the flow of information, but the understanding, perceiving and reacting to its meaning (Robbins, S.P. and Judge, T.A., 2007). Communication is a very complicated process, which goes through some main and intermediate stages such as coding, transmitting, receiving, decoding, etc (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2007). One of the easiest ways to observe these transitional stages is by analyzing interviews because the interview itself is a method for obtaining information through conversation. There are two interviews considered in this essay. In the first one Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher are trying to find out more about the development of technology through their conversation with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. The other one is more of an entertaining interview with David Letterman on Paris Hilton’s life. The main difference is that the first one is very successful and informative while the second one is somewhat a failure. Why is this the case? First of all, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates talk about their contributions to the computer and technology industry, their decisions and concerns for more than an hour while Paris Hilton is being interviewed for less than 10 minutes. So where lies the difference? The duration of an interview depends on many factors including the number of question asked, the type of

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