Influences In The Teaching Environment

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Influences in the Teaching Environment Grand Canyon University Edu 536 April 16, 2014 Every teacher knows that there are your students who are challenging and those that are not. Although, every child has their good days and their bad days, when a child is consistently interrupting the teacher, disrespecting themselves and their peers, and disrupting the learning of others, then you may be dealing with more than just the occasional outburst. Knowing when a student in misbehaving and having a plan to deal with that misbehavior, can help create a classroom environment that is nurturing, welcoming, and safe. In this paper I will be addressing ten negative classroom behaviors and strategies teachers can use to help change the behavior.…show more content…
Separation anxiety can be excessive crying when the parent leaves, throwing tantrums and are unable to calm down, or refusing to complete the work or participate in class. When a child is having separation anxiety, the best strategy, is to have them help you come up with a plan, so that they have a hand in deciding what the best course of action is. Furthermore, they know what to do when they start to feel the anxiety start to happen. You could have a classroom parent board, in which students and parents can communicate with each other. When the child starts to feel the anxiety, they can walk over to the board and read a message from their parents. You can have the student make a small family album, in which, they have pictures of their parents, and they can keep it in their…show more content…
However, snitching is just a part of everyday school life. You will always have those students that will be more worried about others than themselves. When a student becomes more focused on getting others in trouble, there usually is an underlying issue. Therefore, the way to approach this form of misbehavior is to pull the student aside and talk to them. Remind them of the rules, and how to worry about themselves. Another strategy you could use, is give them a behavioral card, when they go a certain amount of days without snitching on other students, then they can get a reward. I believe having the student participate in the solution, will not only show them their misbehavior, but they learn how to self-manage, and self –control
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