Indoor vs. Outdoor Soccer

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Soccer is the most popular sport played in the United States. Soccer can be played outside or inside. After playing both of them, I prefer indoor soccer. Both outdoor and indoor soccer have a variety of rules that each team has to follow. Outdoor soccer requires eleven people to play on the field during the game. These fields are much larger than indoor fields, so players get tired very quickly. Indoor teams need six players on the field for each team; this field is really small so it is easier to score goals. If there is lightning outside while an outdoor game is being played, everyone has to clear the field until the lightning has stopped for thirty minutes. Rain causes the field to get slippery and muddy; we cannot play on the field if it is in that condition. But, indoor soccer can be played no matter what the weather is; it does not affect the games at all. During a kick-off in outdoor, the ball is placed on the center mark, it always has to go forward first; this rule can be difficult if the other team is fast and gets to the ball before the team that is kicking off. If the ball does not go forward first, the opponents get an indirect free kick; the ball must touch another player before going past the goal line for this to count as a goal. However, during a kick-off in indoor soccer, the ball can go forward or backwards, so it is easier for that team to get control of the ball without the opposing team nearby. When playing outside, if a striker is past the last defender on the other team, the center referee calls a foul on the striker for being off sides; this gives the other team a free kick. On the other hand, a striker can be as far in back of the last defender as they want, because there is no off sides rule in indoor. This is how most of the goals are scored, and one of the reasons why I like indoor soccer more. Indoor and outdoor soccer are

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