Importance Of Delegation

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Delegation is an important function in any organization and in today’s environment we see it becoming increasingly important in the health care setting. For management to make the best use of their time and skills effective delegation of tasks to the staff assists in their growth and development, builds confidence and trust, and increases the amount of work completed. Effective delegating provides benefits to the organization when managers mobilize resources, share responsibilities, and focus on doing a few tasks well, rather than many things less effectively resulting in increased management and leadership potential. The need for accessible, affordable, quality health care and an ever-growing shortfall of practitioners and providers means that health care managers must use every health care worker and ensure appropriate delegation of authority and tasks. With the United States currently experiencing a critical shortage of Nurses, health care organizations and policy makers realize they must depend on their licensed Nurses to delegate nursing tasks to licensed and unlicensed health care workers (Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet, 2010). The majority of delegation issues in health care today revolve around nursing care with the Registered Nurse (RN) assuming responsibility and accountability for the proper delegation of tasks to deliver optimum patient care (American Nursing Association, 2001). McConnell (1995) describes delegation and empowerment as being one in the same with empowerment occurring when the delegation of a task is done correctly. In delegation accountability is given to the person the task was delegated to. Delegation assigns the limits of authority at each level. From an organizational viewpoint management delegates with the focus on order, control, and direction while constantly monitoring the task that is already restricted. Empowerment goes
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