The Importance Of Context In Biblical Interpretation

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The importance of context in Biblical interpretation This essay seeks to briefly consider and discuss the importance of context in Biblical interpretation. Before seeking to discuss the importance of context in Biblical interpretation, it is considered necessary to briefly consider the need for any interpretation of the Bible. Whilst this topic is the subject of much debate considerable theological literature, it is important to recognise why we must (and indeed how those of us reading in a language other than ancient Hebrew or Greek already do) interpret scripture. Fee and Stuart note that; “The Bible is not a series of propositions and imperatives;..... [Indeed such a book might have made things easier for us.] But, fortunately, that is not how God chose to speak to us. Rather, he chose to speak his eternal truths within the particular circumstances and events of human history......... The Bible is the Word of God given in human words in history.” So whilst being divinely inspired and having 'eternal relevance', the Bible also has 'historical peculiarity' – each text is conditioned by the language, time and culture in which it was written – interpreting the Bible means understanding these things – i.e. understanding the context in which the text is written. It is important to recognise that interpretation has already taken place for most people reading the Bible; translators have 'interpreted' words and meanings in their Bible translations. The work of interpreting the Bible requires the reader to consider two aspects; firstly to consider and look to hear what was said to the audience at the time (Exegesis) and secondly to consider and look to hear that same text in the here and now (Hermeneutics). Context is defined as either; the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing

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