Impact of Technology Progress to Our Society and Environment

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Impact of technology progress to our society and environment Humans distinguished from animals and became who they are mostly because of their inquisitiveness, this is the main streak which gives us right to call ourselves as "homo sapiens", therefore, humans are kind of creatures, which always tries to achieve another stage of technological progress every time. When ancient people gained the fire for the first time, this had only positive effect on human society, i.e. In fact, there is nothing perfect in this world, every coin is double-sided and that, what helped might also harm us. In the past technological progress did not make any significant damage for environment. Primitive men were living only by farming and cattle-breeding. Throughout the whole period of existing, people were always developing their skills and knowledge trying making it easier to live in this world. From the antiquity to medieval, nations were travelling, colonising, fighting. However even after thousands of years of improving and advancing, after discovering gunpowder in IX century, technologies were not dangerous enough to make any meaningful damage to environment. In the late 18th due to technological improvements the industrial revolution happened in the United Kingdom. As a consequence of this event there was abnormal jump in rise of quantity of machinery used. It was in term followed by sharp increase of productivity of employment, the beginning of economic growth. This process also led to huge rise in population. New labour started to move the cities, as companies needed them, therefore, rapid urbanization took place. Moreover, it has changed whole structure of society. According to Bellis; "The Age of Enlightenment", an historical period characterized by a change away from traditional religious sources of authority, and a move towards science and rational
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