Immigrant Youth Culture Research Paper

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When Cultures Clash: The Story of Immigrant Youth in Ontario Introduction The aim of this paper is to examine some of the challenges confronting immigrant youth in Ontario. And to propose some practices policy makers and service providers in Ontario can implement to better understand, engage, and aid immigrant youth as they integrate into the Canadian society. Best known for its rich multi-cultural diversity, Ontario is home to over 31% children and youth born outside Canada, and is represented by over 200 different ethnic backgrounds (Statistics Canada, 2008). As Ontario’s immigrant youth population grows, policy makers and social services providers must develop effective programs that take into consideration the different ethnicities…show more content…
Service providers and policy makers must engage in a collaborate approach to development. Ontario can learn from a country such as New Zealand in measuring the progress of immigrants within the society. Every three years, in Auckland, City Council conducts Quality of Life Indicator Projects to assess the quality of life within the various communities (Sirgy, Rahtz, & Jin-Lee). Different people are engaged from within the various communities to work with government officials in the collection of data which is then provided to the government for implementation. People, knowledge and skill, housing, political involvement, health, and so forth are considered and evaluated within the various communities and are immediately addressed. Ontario can model New Zealand in by establishing community centers to gather information, identify core issues, and provide solutions to the needs within the various immigrant groups. For example, a center for Pacific-Asian and Canadian Youth can be established and staffed with people who understand the cultural dynamics of Pacific-Asia and Canadian culture. The people will work with their own communities to help identify and bring any challenges before…show more content…
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