Bill 94: The Unnecessary Process Of The Niqab Ban

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Bill 94: The Unnecessary process of the Niqab Ban Debates have been going on about whether the Islamic face veil should be banned in certain countries. Quebec’s Liberal leader Jean Charest recently proposed his own oppressive dress code, Bill 94, by performing this action, Muslim women would have to abandon their veils when engaging essential government services (Kingston 2012). The proposed bill would cover a wide range of institutions including school boards, universities, daycare centers, and hospitals (The Canadian Press 2010). The bill would apply even in situations where unveiling is not necessary for security or identification (The Canadian Press 2010). Needless to say, the bill is unnecessary and invasive; the government has…show more content…
15). All women including niqab-wearing women are unrestricted to the equal access of government services, and the proposed bill tramples on that right. Basic Canadian values guaranteed under the Charter, such as the right to vote or universal health care, are compressed with Charest’s proposed bill (Choudhury 2012). Rejecting women right of entry to vital services also intrudes on their Section 7 rights to security (The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s. 15). By limiting entrée to medical treatment and desisting access to police, fire, and educational workers, niqab-wearing women are put in conceivably life-threatening circumstances, an abuse to fundamental justice (Choudhury…show more content…
"Should witnesses testifying in court be allowed to wear a niqab?." CBCNews. N.p. 20 Dec. 2012. Web. 3 Jan. 2013. 
 < HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK ""able-to-wear-a-niqab.html >. 
Kingston, Anne. "Veils: who are we to judge?. "Macleans" 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 1 Jan. 2013. 

"Quebec bans niqab from government services" The TorontoStar. 24 Mar. 2010. Web. 2 Jan. 2013. 
 < HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK ""government-

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