Illegal Immigration Argumentative Essay

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The Washington Times and the Washington Post, two online periodicals, posted an article about President Bush’s point of view about deportation. “Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic. It’s just not going to work,” Mr. President said. “The biggest problem in this debate is going to be what to do with the people who are already in our country illegally.” “A person ought to be allowed to get in line. In other words, pay a penalty for being here illegally, commit him or herself to learn English, which is part of the American system, and get in the back of the line.” President Bush is against massive deportation of illegal immigrants; he states that a massive deportation won’t help the United States solve the problems with illegal…show more content…
We, (including myself as a Hispanic) did not come to this country to cause fear; we are just seeking better opportunities for our families. Borders patrollers are against having illegal immigrants in this country. They state the illegal immigrants are one of the main reasons why American’s are losing their jobs. These, so-called, Border Patrollers are against, for what is to them an illegal act and a threat to our country. They are against illegal border crossing because they do not know what it is not having any food, clothes, house, or money to survive. These patrollers won’t stop their mission to protect our borders, because they feel like this country will be a better place to live if the government takes all the illegal immigrants out. For me as an American resident raised in Peru, I have struggled though life. I know what it is to not have money. That is why I came to this country looking for new horizons. I, like many other Hispanics, came seeking for a better life, instead some of us have been through many things which is not my case because I’m a resident. I think that our politicians should reflect for a moment and think about what they are doing. Throughout all these years Hispanics haven’t been but a huge contribution to this country. And, personally, I think that deportation is a slap in the face to all the Hispanics that have been in this country for so long, and contributed so much to it. Deportation

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