Identity-What Makes Me Who I Am

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Identity is who I am as a person. My individual identity is what makes me unique and sets me apart from the rest of society. Without knowing who I am, I wouldn't be able to function properly in the world because I would lack the knowledge of where I belong. In my opinion, there are three major components that identity consists of. The three segments that embody identity are: my former self, my realistic self, and my ideal self. If I am unsure about how any one of these components influence me, then it is impossible for me to have a complete grasp on my individual identity. All three elements influence different sections of my personal identity. The first major influencer is my former self because it helps mold who I am now. All the choices that I've made in my life have produced either a negative or positive consequence. Today, I am able to look back on my actions, analyze the result, and apply the knowledge I gained from my past to my current and future choices that will be made. Looking back and learning will help me make better decisions that will benefit me more now. Without the past, I wouldn't be the same person because I wouldn't have had lessons to learn from. Having my own unique past explains why I don't have the same identity as anyone else. No two people have taken the same path; everyone has made their own decisions, grown up in their own upbringing, and lived their own life apart from everyone else. Everyone has their own unique past to look back on and learn from, making no individual identity identical. The second portion of my identity is my realistic self. Of all the components that make up identity, realistic identity is the most complex. Realistic identity can be broken down into two parts, internal and external identity. Everyone is blessed with natural talents and strengths which make up the internal part of your of your realistic identity.
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