Ib Unseen Commentary

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IB Unseen Commentary Writing: A suggested approach for writing a commentary on literary passages (adapted from Mr. Brian Bishop). In the IB exam you will be required to write at least 3 sides of refill about a text ( choice of poem or prose) which you have probably never seen before. You are given ‘guiding questions’ to use if you wish but you can approach the challenge in a range of ways. What you need to be able to do is to discuss the LITERARY STYLE and LITERARY TECHNIQUE of the text. These are difficult concepts to define and separate. STYLE looks at HOW a writer achieves her/his overall effects by analysing the details of such things as figurative language, exaggeration, patterns and repetitions. TECHNIQUE, though clearly connected with the concept of style, looks at the use of such things as flashback, juxtaposition, disorientation, alienation, soliloquy. These are techniques that are available to a writer and may be employed on occasion to bring about a special effect. When reading a text look for the following: 1) MEANING 2) IMAGERY 3) STRUCTURE 3) TONE 4) VOCABULARY Memorise the acronym: M I S T V MEANING Message or theme Purpose ( perhaps trying to think of suitable or alternative titles to the passage or poem would help you to decide the purpose ) Point of view IMAGERY LITERAL IMAGES Things that make an impact because of what they are: the child’s toy lying in the wreckage of a ‘plane crash. FIGURATIVE IMAGES Things that make an impact because of what they are compared with: “ the schoolgirl felt abandoned like a child’s toy in the wreckage of a ‘plane crash. ” Look for ‘figures of speech’ or poetic devices: Metaphor ( direct comparison) Simile ( comparison using ‘like’ or ‘as’ to introduce it) Alliteration Allusion Antithesis Assonance Hyperbole Personification Pun Onomatopoeia and more.... Imagery
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