I Want A Wife

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Staci Whitten Kamrar Writing 115 4-20-11 My Response on, I want a Wife, By Judy Brady The article I Want a Wife, by Judy Brady was a very up- setting, heart racing and a very mind boggling article to have to read. I thought this essay was a piece of crap. I thought it was very sexist, and is very degrading on women. If I would be able to say a few words to the author I’d tell them that they should be a shamed of writing this. When I first started reading this i started getting upset than my feeling of upset went to mad, then that went from mad to beyond pissed off. By the time I was done with the essay I wanted to wrap my hands around the first man I saws neck and let them know a little bit about what I think about their view of women is (men in general.) I went from really pissed off to extremely angry in a matter of minutes. I had so many thoughts that were going through my head while I was reading this essay. The one that stuck out the most was that men are dirty basterd’s, and if there was a way to get rid of them all I would. It’s messed up that women have no say in what goes on in their life, and that men have more control over things. I have no idea what the 70’s were like so I can’t say that this view of women was wrong or right because I don’t know how things were back then. But I can say that now these days we should be treated equally by our partners. No man should have that much control over one person. Who the hell do they think they are. Yes, it has changed somewhat since this was written in 1971, but it hasn’t changed completely. The way that men treat women is very degrading; embarrassing; disrespectful; humiliating; controlling; and tons of others that I can’t think of, but it’s some kind of power issue that man have. What pisses me off most is that men constantly put women down so much that we lose all respect and confidence in
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