Hybrid Car Comparison

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Hybrid cars seem like a good idea, but are they really? The Toyota Prius is one hybrid car that seems to have potential. Compared to other cars the Prius may seem to be less adequate and not as appealing. The Yaris and Corolla, also made by Toyota, are to cars that are similar to the Prius but are not Hybrids. I tested the Prius against the Yaris and the Corolla to see which should be the better buy and which would perform the best for the amount spent. The Yaris gets about 32 mpg and has Ultra Low emissions. Its base cost is around $15,125 and is $315 per month for a 48 month span. The Yaris also has 5 doors and fits safely five passengers. It has an average space for cargo but adequate nevertheless. The Yaris has a safety rating of about a 7/10 which isn’t too bad compared to other cars. This car is a front wheel drive and has 106 hp at 6,000 rpm. The Corolla has many good features. One feature being very low emissions for a gas power only vehicle. It has an amazing safety rating of 4/5 stars and is front wheel drive. The Corolla has enough room for five people with extra room. It has plenty of cargo room for just about anything medium sized and many slightly bigger. The price on the car is $17,250 and would be $359 per/m for 48 months which is not bad for a car of this magnitude. The Hybrid car, the Prius, has many excellence features on it. This car is very spacious and can fit more than the average car could possibly fit. This car would cost $22,000 up front or for 48 months about $485 per/m. The Prius has four doors and can hold a maximum of 5 people seated comfortably. This car also has the most room out of the three with the cargo room being 14.4cu.ft. The safety rating for this car is 4/5 stars and is a sedan style car. The Prius gets great gas mileage and also has the lowest emissions. The Hybrid seems to hold up well against these two other vehicles

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